פתיחת התפריט הראשי


הוסרו 752 בתים ,  19:06, 4 במאי 2014
אין תקציר עריכה
סוגיות אידיאולוגיות [עריכה]
גישות שוויוניות מבקשות להקטין את הרמות אי שוויון ב" נטל אמצעי מניעה ", אשר קיימים בין זכרים ונקבות, עם השלכות על הנושא של עיקור. ההליך המקביל הנשי הניתוחי העיקור המכונה קשירת חצוצרות נחשב ניתוח גדול נעשה בדרך כלל בהרדמה כללית (או עם אפידורל בלידת ילד), בדרך כלל נעשה ב, הגדרת בית חולים בחולה. טענה זו מתפרקת עם טכניקות מודרניות כמו עיקור על ידי לפרוסקופיה שיש זמני התאוששות קצרים יותר או דומים יותר מניתוח עיקור
Ideological issues[edit]
Egalitarian approaches seek to decrease levels of inequality in the "contraceptive burden" which exist between males and females, with implications for the topic of vasectomy. The corresponding female surgical sterilization procedure known as Tubal ligation is considered a major surgery usually done with general anesthesia (or with an epidural at child-birth), typically done at an in-patient, hospital setting. This argument falls apart with modern techniques like Sterilization by Laparoscopy that has shorter or similar recovery times than vasectomy
The emphasis on "shared responsibility" has been taken up in recent research and articles by Terry and Braun, who regard much of the earlier psychological research on vasectomy as seemingly negative, or 'suspicious' in tone.[53] In research based on 16 New Zealand men (chosen for their enthusiasm on the topic of vasectomy), researchers extracted primary themes from their interviews of "taking responsibility" and "vasectomy as an act of minor heroism’.[54]
The need to "target men’s involvement in reproductive and contraceptive practices" was historically raised on a global scale at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo,[55] in relation to both population control and decreasing the levels of inequality in the ‘contraceptive burden’, which has traditionally placed responsibility for contraception unfairly upon women. Vigoya has referred to a global "cultura anticonceptiva femenina" - a female contraceptive culture, where, despite the possibility of men taking more responsibility for birth control, there is virtually nowhere in the world where true contraceptive equality exists.[56]
Feminist researchers emphasize the positive identities that men can take up post-vasectomy, as a "man who takes on responsibility for the contraceptive task"[54] and a man who is willing to "sacrifice" his fertility for his partner and family's sake.[53] Often these sorts of accounts are constructed within the 'contraceptive economy' of a relationship, where women have maintained responsibility of the contraceptive task up until the point of the operation. Terry notes that a man undergoing a vasectomy may also mean he receives a high degree of gratitude and positive reinforcement for making the choice to be sterilised, perhaps more so than a woman who has been on the oral contraceptive or similar for years prior.[54]
הדגש על "אחריות משותפת" כבר נלקח במחקר שנעשה לאחרונה ומאמרים על ידי טרי ובראון, שרואים הרבה של המחקר הפסיכולוגי מוקדם יותר על עיקור כשלילי לכאורה, או 'חשוד' בטון. [53] במחקר המבוסס ביום 16 הגברים ניו זילנד (שנבחרו להתלהבות שלהם על הנושא של עיקור), חוקרים שחולצו נושאים עיקריים מהראיונות שלהם של "לקיחת אחריות" ו "עיקור כאקט של גבורת קטין". [54]
An area not yet subject to adequate study is the psychological impact of conflict and disharmony with his wife or partner over his reticence towards vasectomy or decision not to undergo a vasectomy. Or vice-versa, in situations where it is the man who wants the vasectomy and his partner who is against it, has similarly not been subject to part of survey results in terms of psychological impact.
In relation to masculine identity, some early research suggested that men who have undergone vasectomy adopt more stereotypically masculine behaviors as compensatory for a diminished sense of masculinity, which is opposed by the research of Amor et al. who found that vasectomy often enhanced their sense of masculinity (among their study of 19 men).[52]
Ideological issues[edit]
Egalitarian approaches seek to decrease levels of inequality in the "contraceptive burden" which exist between males and females, with implications for the topic of vasectomy. The corresponding female surgical sterilization procedure known as Tubal ligation is considered a major surgery usually done with general anesthesia (or with an epidural at child-birth), typically done at an in-patient, hospital setting. This argument falls apart with modern techniques like Sterilization by Laparoscopy that has shorter or similar recovery times than vasectomy
The emphasis on "shared responsibility" has been taken up in recent research and articles by Terry and Braun, who regard much of the earlier psychological research on vasectomy as seemingly negative, or 'suspicious' in tone.[53] In research based on 16 New Zealand men (chosen for their enthusiasm on the topic of vasectomy), researchers extracted primary themes from their interviews of "taking responsibility" and "vasectomy as an act of minor heroism’.[54]
The need to "target men’s involvement in reproductive and contraceptive practices" was historically raised on a global scale at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo,[55] in relation to both population control and decreasing the levels of inequality in the ‘contraceptive burden’, which has traditionally placed responsibility for contraception unfairly upon women. Vigoya has referred to a global "cultura anticonceptiva femenina" - a female contraceptive culture, where, despite the possibility of men taking more responsibility for birth control, there is virtually nowhere in the world where true contraceptive equality exists.[56]
Feminist researchers emphasize the positive identities that men can take up post-vasectomy, as a "man who takes on responsibility for the contraceptive task"[54] and a man who is willing to "sacrifice" his fertility for his partner and family's sake.[53] Often these sorts of accounts are constructed within the 'contraceptive economy' of a relationship, where women have maintained responsibility of the contraceptive task up until the point of the operation. Terry notes that a man undergoing a vasectomy may also mean he receives a high degree of gratitude and positive reinforcement for making the choice to be sterilised, perhaps more so than a woman who has been on the oral contraceptive or similar for years prior.[54]
An alternative viewpoint of contextualizing vasectomy debate is the evolutionary "battle of the sexes" conflict of interest. From an evolutionary Darwinian standpoint, males may increase their genetic fitness by mating with multiple mates over the course of their lifetime (see Sexual Conflict). As a woman's reproductive capacity reduces significantly with age towards menopause, eventually ceasing while a male partner is still able to produce offspring (see Age and Female Fertility), she benefits in evolutionary terms from her partner undergoing vasectomy - eliminating or greatly restricting his ability to mate with other women in the future, thus helping to ensure or protect her partner's investment and resources for herself and any offspring. Vasectomy may in this way be advantageous to female reproductive strategy (after a threshold number of offspring are born), and detrimental to the male reproductive strategy, if viewed in generalized evolutionary fitness terms alone.